0116 241 0010

+44 74541 37284


Nur Mohammad
Musculoskeletal Practitioner / Physiotherapist

Nur Mohammad

Nur is an expert Musculoskeletal Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sports injury, occupational health, medico-legal, and arthritis management in both the NHS and Private Sectors.

Nur offers physiotherapy and joint and soft tissue injections with or without ultrasound guidance. He has a specialist interest in stem cell and PRP injection therapy which is helpful to those with chronic degenerative and soft tissue conditions.

Professional memberships:

  • HCPC (Health and Care Professional Council) Registered
  • MCSP (Member Chartered Society of Physiotherapy)
  • MSOMM (Member Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine, UK)
  • MAACP (Member Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists)